Tuesday, 8 January 2013

New Lodger

No more Christmas holidays! We have a new lodger coming to stay with us, Annette Wessman. She is visiting us today and moving her things into the room, and moving in fully in March, when she comes back from her holiday in Germany.
To be honest, life's pretty quiet at the moment - but that's to be enjoyed as much as anything. I listened ot the dawn chorus this morning and found it beautiful that all the creatures in the world, although man thinks of himself as the dominant species, consider us a minor factor in their lives.
I have got my hands on the Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher and love them! I'm awaiting the fourth one (Amazon delivery, but I got the first 3 on Kindle) with eager anticipation. The way he weaves his story is amazing, and because of all the characters who have different viewpoints, the sub-plots are both intricate and fascinating. The characters are well-developed and the reader understands their motivations, decisions and feelings.
Oh, I love getting new books. (sigh)

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