Sunday 23 December 2012

Christmas and Myers Briggs

Okay, so it;'s been ages since I posted, but here we go. It's nearly Christmas, so I'm happy :)
I've done some little drawings for presents that I might try to make more of, as they're useful gifts. I actually don't have much to do with my time, which is something I'm definitely enjoying - I had a lie-in yesterday morning until about 11!
Life's fairly uneventful otherwise, so I can just type, listen to music and hope for tomorrow. I've been stricken by the plague of deep and complex thinking, which is a lot of fun for me - I'm not sure about the people on the other end who I insist on having meaningful conversations with!
If you haven't already discovered the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, you should probably check it out at
There are some great descriptions of your type's personality - I happen to be a strong INFJ, which shows that I'm introverted (as opposed to extroverted), I am intuitive (as opposed to sensing), I see things through feelings (as opposed to logical thinking) and I make decisions based on judging (as opposed to perceiving).
Please, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong as my grasp of these meanings is perhaps not as strong as it could be! However I have done some fairly extensive research into the typical personalities of my type and found them to be very accurate. The good thing about the Myers Briggs/Jung typology is that it doesn't put you in a box as such, it just gives a guide to the strength of your preferences for the above ways of the mind.
Merry Christmas!

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