Wednesday 5 December 2012

Day Number One

What a daunting idea this is. I am a terribly disorganized person, though at times I seem otherwise: I have tried many times (unsuccessfully) to write a diary or a journal, and I am sincerely hoping that I will manage it this time using a blog.
I've done fairly well with smaller things like MSN on updating my status. My insanely busy life means my main worry is finding the time to do this kind of thing. It's a new resolution ;-)
I think I'm supposed to introduce myself in a roundabout kind of way. I am a writer, an artist and an avid reader and lover of the outdoors. I also love words and linguistics, and other more abstract things like laughing and the colour silver.
I will try to post my ideas for writing, and use this as a kind of mini gallery or portfolio. I love running and long mountainous walks, and conversely I also like doing my hair and makeup, and a girls' night out.
That's as far as I've got today, but I will be regular if possible. We have holidays planned upon which I unfortunately cannot allow my laptop to accompany me. :(
I have three dragon companions who are a constant source of information (and occasionally very irritating) called Grace, Wanda and Shadow. If you read this regularly, you'll have to put up with them as they love to intrude upon whatever new thing it is that I happen to have occupied myself with. They come out with some pretty cool things sometimes.

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